Conqueror of the Business World – A Woman Entrepreneur

Conqueror of the Business World – A Woman Entrepreneur

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Conqueror of the Business World – A Woman Entrepreneur

Written By: Rashi Saral

Conqueror of the Business World – A Woman Entrepreneur

A nation where the roots of a patriarchal culture have the strongest hold, on the contrary; in the same country, women are emerging as potent entrepreneurs, and embarking the journey of success in an entrepreneurial world. A woman of India has covered a difficult excursion to reach at the heights; facing all the obscurities which are prevailing in the society. Gender inequality, female feticide, early marriage, domestic violence, and all sorts of irrelevant discrimination, she has endured with the greatest determination, wisdom, and patience.

Fortunately, there is a multitude of changes which can be visible in the country favoring the females. The positive changes on the periphery happen due to numerous factors like standardization of education in cities has drastically changed the rigidity in beliefs. Eventually, girls are acquiring necessary skills, and attitude to lead their lives independently. Henceforth, women feel empowered, and their contribution to various sectors like sports, politics, business, industries, and designing, etc. cannot be overlooked.

One of the factors in the progression of girls is a phenomenal support of government. An incredible encouragement, it is providing to them by allocating fixed number of seats as woman’s quota in each sphere. Consequently, more girls are coming out of their domestic zones, and working strenuously in the corporate world, isn’t it amazing?

Our Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, worked extremely hard on the project ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padao’ to curb the feticides, and encouraged parents to make their daughters educated. This has worked tremendously in the favor of young females. Other contributing factors are the awareness programs which are run by different NGO’s, prominent female personalities, and youth of this country to support women empowerment. This has brought a positive change in the thought process of the individuals; thereby, motivating the young pioneers to reach to a crescendo.

In an entrepreneurial world, with astounding creative ideas, women are leaving the footprints of growth and success. Being bold and strong, they are starting  their own ventures to leave an influential impact on the business world. Encouraging the folks of their own gender; they are inspiring the world with innovative ideas. Female you tubers like Prajakta Kohli, and Lily Singh are spreading the waves of laughter through their funny and creative videos; millions of subscribers are adding to their accounts. At this young age, they went offbeat from the usual 9 to5 job, and started their own you tube channels. Making a lot of money and earning a jaw-dropping fame, are fantabulous achievements.

Many housewives use their skill of delicious food making, and starting their own ventures. Gradually, with the right vision and attitude, they are making large. In technical realms, with intelligence and knowledge, young women are creating unimaginable products and software. Women are ruling every corner of the globe. In fashion designing and handicrafts, women possess autonomy; they have monopolized the respective spheres by their artistic skills. In film industries, actresses like Priyanka Chopra, Deepika Padukone, and Alia Bhatt have conquered the box office, and are reported to earn more than their male counterparts. Directors like Meghna Gulzaar and Zoya Akhtar are the stupors of feminism and courage; with the success of their directorial movies, they are quadrupling the business. Sania Mirza opened a Tennis Academy for the talented youth who are lacking adequate resources.

Also Read: Top Female Corporate Leaders in India

An epitome of beauty and grace, Deepika founded ‘Love and Laugh’ organization for spreading awareness about mental illness, and eradicating the stigma related to this sensitive issue. Superlative women of the contemporary era have vigorously conquered the world with their supreme talents, attitude, courage, and unshakeable confidence.

In the spiritual section of a renowned Newspaper, a saint quotes “A woman is the goddess of wisdom, power, endurance, patience and compassion.”

Still, there are people, with negative beliefs, who discourage girls, and carry the process of an absurd discrimination. There are innumerable cases of domestic violence, rape, physical assault for dowry, etc. which are demeaning their spark. Even in an educated society, parents want to marry their daughters at early age, without caring for their dreams.

On the positive side, women are realizing their worth, and incredibly progressing in their fields. They are ruling an entrepreneurial world.

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  • Artificial Intelligence – Top Five Myths about Artificial Intelligence that newbies have

    Written by: Avishek Singh

    Artificial Intelligence – Top Five Myths about Artificial Intelligence that newbies have

    We hear myth all around us. Take for example ‘bulls hate red’ or ‘bats are blind’. These are just two out of thousands of myth which we hear in our daily life. As and when things become popular topic of discussion, its bound to be interpreted differently by different people. Thus myths originate.

    The pace of technological advancements is seemingly at the speed of light. Artificial Intelligence  or more commonly called as AI is knowledge developed in technology to perform work which humans do. Isn’t it truly fascinating? With such a fascinating thing around it is bound to be one of the hottest topic which demands global attention. Facebook and Google for example aim at becoming our personal assistant.

    So as the entire world is debating the outcome of AI and how these technological advancements will shape our future, rule of the world welcomes AI in the family of myth.

    In this article we talk about 5 common myth associated with Artificial Intelligence.

    Myth # 1

    Artificial Intelligence will replace human jobs

    AI is supposed to be working in addition to and not in substitution of what we humans bring to the table.History has witnessed that with any revolutionary technological advancements people have always feared that AI will eventually replace them at workplace. Many years ago when ATM machine was invented, many feared that it would result in so many being unemployed. However, we later realised that such advancements create more jobs and improve quality of life.

    Myth # 2

    Artificial Intelligence has all human features including its ability to learn on its own

    AI’s are wired to perform certain tasks.There are number of times where AI has proved to be really clever but it would be wrong to say that it’s an exact parallel human brain What it lacks is emotion.Life would be dull without happiness, laughter, sorrow and disappointment. Emotions certainly adds spice to life. Moreover artificial intelligence certainly can not learn on its own.

    Myth # 3

    Artificial Intelligence is only for big companies with huge investments

    AI has a lot of potential to transform any organisation. Since the technology used for AI is complex, there is a common myth that it is only meant for big companies. If you have ever received a bank notification of fraud transaction, or purchase predication shown while online shopping or clear navigation which directs you to your destination while travelling, everything is a result of AI monitoring activity. Thus it plays a vital role in the development of all companies.

    Myth # 4

    Artificial Intelligence is bias free

    Computer systems are developed by humans. If the creator has biases, the product is bound to have the same. There are no ways that AI can be free of biases. Only thing we can do is make a system with minimum biases. If the data collected and loaded into the system has bias, the end result would certainly not be bias free.

    Myth # 5

    Artificial Intelligence will take over humans one day

    Humans tend to be afraid of what they don’t understand. Human catastrophe in a Hollywood style is unlikely. We have programmed a machine by feeding in enormous amount of data yet we are nowhere close to developing a computer model of human brain.

    Stephen Hawking in one of the interviews with BBC told – “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of human race. It would take off on its own, and redesign itself at an ever increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete, and would be superseded.”

    There is lot to debate on what artificial intelligence has in store for us. Only time will reveal the truth. Its going to be very interesting how the world deals with it.

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